Welcome to abgabesystem’s documentation!

Indices and tables

class abgabesystem.students.Student(user, mail, name, group)

A Gitlab user

Students are read from the CSV file that was exported from Stud.IP. For each user, a dummy LDAP user is created in Gitlab. Upon the first login Gitlab fetches the complete user using LDAP.


Creates an iterable containing the users

abgabesystem.students.create_user(gl, student, ldap_base, ldap_provider)

Creates a GitLab user account student. Requires admin privileges.

abgabesystem.students.get_students(gl, students_csv)

Returns already existing GitLab users for students from provided CSV file that have an account.

class abgabesystem.students.Student(user, mail, name, group)

A Gitlab user

Students are read from the CSV file that was exported from Stud.IP. For each user, a dummy LDAP user is created in Gitlab. Upon the first login Gitlab fetches the complete user using LDAP.


Creates an iterable containing the users